How I Raise Capital - my 9 Core Investing Values
Written by Shane Melanson, March 7, 2018
1. I value Control.
Definition of Control: power, authority, command, dominant or mastery.
This is why I believe in investing in Commercial Real Estate. Because I control much of the outcome vs. handing my money over to someone else.

If you study the great stock investors, like Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger – you'll find that when they invest, they are not buying 100 shares of company and hope it goes up in value. No. They are buying a significant % of the company and generally getting a seat on the board- which means they influence decisions being made for the company. They have an element of control that retail investors don't have.

2. True Wealth. Wealth that cannot be destroyed. Which, means, my assets generate numerous flows of income to me.  If one source goes down is cut off, that it doesn’t affect my life. (I am not there yet, but my focus is on acquiring assets that will generate predictable cash flow).
3. Freedom & Independence. Free to choose where I spend my time. Who I spend time with (clients, family, friends). 

This is all about choice. 

What’s interesting, is how much time I chose to find real estate investments, or helping investors raise capital to invest.
4. Integrity. Simple. You say you’re going to do something, do it.
5. Responsibility. You take ownership of your life. You don’t blame others for why things didn’t go your way. 

This is something I have to work at every day. It’s not easy to take 100% responsibility when things go sideways- but it is critical. This lesson I learned during a 20x training with Navy Seals in San Diego in 2015. They demand personal accountability, because it affects the group if 1 person is not holding up their end of the bargain.

6. Discipline. To have the discipline to do what’s required. Not taking shortcuts. Following through, even though it's not easy and may not be fun. Investing in Commercial Real Estate, there are going to be uncomfortable conversations. There will be people who are dishonest. It’s easy to be tempted to take short cuts or do things that others may not catch on. To maintain my reputation, I force myself to be disciplined throughout my working and non-working hours. Something my father and father-in-law have reinforced throughout my life.

7. Courage. To do the things you know need to be done, even if you fear them.

8. Sense of Urgency. Investing in high stakes commercial real estate is requires action. And, you to make things happen, you have to push. Thanks Bill!

9. Leadership Mentality. this is harder to explain. It’s a mindset that what I’m doing is bigger than me. That whatever skills I’m developing, it’s important to share them with others. It is why, I’m forcing myself to create more content. To share what I’ve created, without fear of what others will say or think.

These are my underlying Values. Understanding what I value, gives you context for my Commercial Real Estate Investing Principles and Philosophies.
MINDSET: Acquire Assets(commercial real estate) to Create Predictable and Consistent Income. To create enough income that it pays for all your living expenses, without touching the principle – you now own your time.

Shane Melanson

Shane Melanson helps real estate investors attract capital and deal flow to create predictable monthly cash flow. Helping investors attract capital from accredited investors - who are looking for ways to invest in commercial real estate- but don't have the time or knowledge.
If you're interested in investing in commercial real estate, attracting capital, or starting your own "Club Syndication" then definitely reach out and request a free strategy session today.
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